Tempo de leitura: 2 minutos Despite being in the dictionary as synonyms, version and translation have very different meanings. And this happens mainly in translation services, where functions are very distinct. After all, both may completely change the interpretation of a term. Many people confound the functions attributed to version and translation. But, in general terms, we may …
How can translation attract global customers?
Tempo de leitura: 3 minutos Attracting global customers is the main objective of many translation companies worldwide. With this, it is possible to expand the offer of its services. Also, it is possible to have a recognition in many countries, working with various languages. But, in order to achieve this, some strategies are required. In order to attract customers globally, …
¿Cómo la traducción puede atraer clientes globales?
Tempo de leitura: 3 minutos Atraer clientes globales es el gran objetivo de muchas empresas de traducción por todo el mundo. Con esto es posible expandir la oferta de sus servicios. Además, también se puede tener reconocimiento en varios países, trabajando con diversos idiomas. Pero para conquistar eso, serán necesarias algunas estrategias. Para conquistar clientes a nivel mundial, es …
The digital certificate in sworn translation
Tempo de leitura: 3 minutos The digital certificate emerged as a new way of helping the process of sworn translation. And, with the new coronavirus pandemic, this tool gained great visibility for the segment. After all, it brought practicality and saving of resources for translation services. In fact, digital certificates have existed for some time. However, it was rarely …
Which are the most common mistakes in English translation?
Tempo de leitura: 3 minutos When we are learning a new language, it is usual that some mistakes happen on the way. And this is due, mainly, to the influence of our native language in the learning process. English, for example, may bear many mistakes when compared literally to Portuguese. After all, totally mastering a language is not an …
A certificação digital na tradução juramentada
Tempo de leitura: 3 minutos A certificação digital surgiu como uma nova forma de auxiliar o processo da tradução juramentada. E, com a pandemia do novo coronavírus, esta ferramenta ganhou grande notoriedade para o segmento. Afinal, trouxe praticidade e economia de recursos para os serviços de tradução. Em verdade, a certificação digital já existe há um bom tempo. No entanto, …
Certificación digital en la traducción jurada
Tempo de leitura: 3 minutos La certificación digital surgió como un nuevo modo de ayudar en el proceso de la traducción jurada. Y, con la pandemia del nuevo coronavirus, esta herramienta ganó gran notoriedad para el segmento. Realmente, trajo practicidad y ahorro de recursos para los servicios de traducción. En verdad, la certificación digital existe hace algún tiempo. Sin …
Tradução financeira em tempos de coronavírus
Tempo de leitura: 3 minutos A pandemia do novo coronavírus (Covid-19) trouxe diversas complicações para todos os setores do mercado. Mas, entre eles, o setor financeiro é ainda o que sofre mais riscos ao redor do mundo. No entanto, incentivar a comunicação entre países por meio de serviços de tradução tem sido cada vez mais importante. Afinal de contas, a …
Financial translation in times of coronavirus
Tempo de leitura: 3 minutos The new coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic brought several complications for everyone in all sectors of the market. But, among them, the financial sector is still the one with more risks worldwide. However, encouraging the communication between countries through translation services has been increasingly important. After all, financial translation has its own language. So, it is …
How can social media help translation services?
Tempo de leitura: 3 minutos Social media has gained an increasingly influential role in our lives. And this is due, above all, to the globalized world where we live. So, both internet and networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter are helping companies to take over the global market. But, to make this possible, they need the help …