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Learn about the most common types of translation; understand the importance of the linguistic services in our daily life

Translation services have been growing more and more, as we live in a more globalized world without borders.

Even without realizing, we find in our daily lives a wide variety of types of translation. The linguistic services are present in different situations, as in a simple reading of an article, or even when watching a documentary or favorite series.

Regardless of the manner through which the types of translation are present in our routine, the fact is that it is a service that definitely stays.

Now, we will learn about some types of translation that are more common in our daily life. Check it out!

Video subtitling

Video subtitling is present in different ways in our daily life. We are able to see it in a documentary, film, series, anime or interview.

The professional responsible for subtitling translates the original content to the target audience language.

The good professional must pay attention to cultural differences, always looking for the equivalence of terms.

In a comedy series, for example, some jokes need to be adapted to the language that is being subtitled, so, this way, it makes more sense to the audience watching in another country.

Therefore, there is no doubt that video subtitling is, indeed, very important in our daily lives.

Sworn translation

Sworn translation, or public translation, consists in translating documents in foreign language so they have legal value.

In Brazil, sworn translation is officially recognizes by public institutions, and it is only manner to ensure the legal value of documents such as certificates, contracts, power of attorney and even academic documents.

The professional responsible for this type or services is the sworn translator, whose role is to translate all the content of the document respecting the information that it contains.

Simultaneous interpreting

Quais são os tipos de tradução existentes

Simultaneous interpreting is a service that is very common in meetings, talks, events and ceremonies where there is a need to keep a professional translating everything that a certain person is saying in their native language.

This type of translation is an excellent option for keep the talk dynamic, making it more natural and fluid.

The execution of simultaneous interpreting usually requires the use of microphones, headphones, audio equipment, among other technological devices that vary according to the need. 

Scientific translation

Scientific translation is among the types of translation that most demand precision and professionalism.

Unsurprisingly, the translators responsible for it must be specialized in various science areas, in a way they have all the conditions to translate the specific terminology of different areas.

The role of this linguistic service is to translate the original content by respecting all the information and specifications, without errors or faults.

Any error in translation may compromise the entire content. Due to this, choosing a company that is experienced and reliable in linguistic services is the best option to ensure a high level work.

Scientific translation is very common in medicine, in the chemical, biological, physical sectors, among others.

Learn about more types of translation

  • Sign language translation;
  • Simultaneous interpreting;
  • Consecutive interpreting;
  • General translation;
  • Audio and video transcription;
  • Technical translation;
  • Apostille.

Translation services: always present in the daily life

By knowing more about the types of translation, it is easier to understand the reason of their popularization and their presence in our daily lives, from more trivial activities as watching a film to scientific research.

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